SIBOR/SOR Settlements

Frequently Asked Questions

This official website is maintained by the Settlement Administrator retained and supervised by Class Counsel.

All Persons and Entities who purchased, sold, held, traded, or otherwise had any interest in SIBOR- and/or SOR-Based Derivatives during the period from January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2011 (the “Class Period”). You are not included in the Settlement Class if you are a Defendant or any parent, subsidiary, affiliate or agent of any Defendant or any co-conspirator (whether or not that co-conspirator was named as a defendant). In addition, the United States government is excluded from the Settlement Class.
If you are still not sure if you are included, you may contact the Settlement Administrator for more information. If you have reason to believe that you are a member of the Settlement Class, you can fill out and return the Proof of Claim and Release form. Proofs of Claim must postmarked no later than December 29, 2022. A copy of the Proof of Claim form can be found here or you can file online at
The exact amount each qualifying Settlement Class Member will receive from the Net Settlement Fund cannot be calculated until (1) the Court approves the Settlements; (2) Attorneys’ Fees, Costs and Incentive Awards are deducted from the Settlement Fund; and (3) the number of participating Class Members and the amount of their Transaction Claim Amounts are determined. In addition, each Settlement Class member’s share, if any, of the Net Settlement Fund will vary depending on the information the Settlement Class Member provides on the Proof of Claim.

Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs’ Counsel (also known as Class Counsel) have proposed a Distribution Plan that will be used to calculate each Settlement Class Member’s payment from the Net Settlement Fund. A copy of the Distribution Plan that has been preliminarily approved by the Court can be downloaded here.

Please note that the Distribution Plan may be changed by the Court without providing further notice. The final approval, disapproval, or modification of any proposed distribution plan shall not affect the preliminary or final approval of the Settlements or enforceability of the Settlement Agreements.
Objecting is telling the Court that you do not like something about the proposed Settlements. You can object only if you stay in the Settlement Class and follow the objection procedures described in the Notice. If you want to make an objection, you may enter an appearance in the Action, at your own expense, individually or through counsel of your own choice, by filing with the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York a notice of appearance and your written objection, and serving copies of your written objection on Plaintiffs’ Counsel and the Settling Defendants’ counsel such that your written objection is received by OCTOBER 17, 2022.

Excluding yourself is telling the Court that you do not want to be part of the Settlement Class. If you exclude yourself, you have no basis to object because the case no longer affects you. Requests for exclusion must be made in accordance with the instructions set forth in the Notice and be postmarked no later than October 17, 2022.
You do not have to come to the Fairness Hearing. However, if you wish to appear you must submit a written statement, along with any materials you wish the Court to consider. This written statement must be received by the Court no later than October 17, 2022 or it will not be considered. Such materials must also be served on Plaintiffs’ Counsel and Settling Defendants’ counsel for the at the addresses set forth in the Notice.
You do not need to hire your own lawyer. You can hire a lawyer at your own cost if you would like, and have that lawyer make an appearance on your behalf. The Court has appointed the firm listed below to represent the Class (known as “Class Counsel” or “Plaintiffs’ Counsel”).

Vincent Briganti
Lowey Dannenberg , P.C.
44 South Broadway, Suite 1100
White Plains, NY 10601
If you are a brokerage firm, futures commission merchant, nominee, or other person or entity who or which entered into SIBOR- and/or SOR-Based Derivatives transactions during the Class Period for the beneficial interest of persons or organizations other than yourself, Plaintiffs’ Counsel requests that you, WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF YOUR RECEIPT OF THIS NOTICE, either: (i) provide to A.B. Data, Ltd. (the “Settlement Administrator”) the name and last known address of each person or organization for whom or which you made SIBOR- and/or SOR-Based Derivatives transactions during the Class Period; or (ii) request from the Settlement Administrator sufficient copies of the Notice to forward directly to beneficial owners of the SIBOR- and/or SOR-Based Derivatives transactions. If you are restricted from disclosure under any applicable domestic or foreign data privacy, bank secrecy, state secret, or other law, then Plaintiffs’ Counsel requests that you provide this Notice directly to any of your customers that are Settlement Class Members if permitted to do so by such applicable rules and laws. The Settlement Administrator will cause copies of this Notice to be forwarded to each customer identified at the address so designated. You may be reimbursed from the Settlement Fund for your reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. Those expenses will be paid upon request and submission of appropriate supporting documentation. All communications regarding the foregoing should be addressed to the Settlement Administrator at the address listed below:

SIBOR/SOR Class Action Settlement
c/o A.B. Data, Ltd.
P.O. Box 173038
Milwaukee, WI 53217

The Settlement Administrator will cause copies of this Notice to be forwarded to each customer identified at the address so designated.

If you are a Brokerage Firm or Trustee and wish to electronically file claims for your customers, please use the Broker E-Filing Template and Guide, which can be found by clicking the BROKER/NOMINEE ELECTRONIC FILING link at the top of this page. Should you have any further questions, please contact the Settlement Administrator.
You may contact the Settlement Administrator by calling the Euribor Settlement Help Line at 877-777-9321 or by sending an email to